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  1. Not calling eval
  2. Calling eval

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Not calling eval

It won’t change or eval an unrecognized language.

raise Exception("...")
raise Exception("...")

It won’t change or eval a block that’s not being evaluated.

throw new Error("...");
throw new Error("...");

Calling eval

Eval blocks can be meta. These tests make extensive use of this feature.

```ts eval --meta
// some code
// some code

It evaluates a block of code from a recognized language that calls eval.

```ts eval --meta
const nothing = (_arg: number) => void 0;
const nothing = (_arg: number) => void 0;

It prints inlay hints

```ts eval --meta --out=hide
const nothing2 = () => nothing(123);
const nothing2 = () => nothing(/* _arg: */ 123);

It captures values from the evaluated code, that will be printed in the generated markdown.

```ts eval --meta
const add1 = (it: number) => it + 1;
const add1 = (it: number) => it + 1;
add1(/* it: */ 3);

By default, values print as json.

({ a: 1 });
{ "a": 1 }

The output language can be overridden

```ts eval --out=jsonjs --meta
    a: 1,
({ a: 1 });
{ a: 1 }

The fenced code block can be hidden

```ts eval --meta --hide
({ hide: "me", n: 123 + 456 });
{ "hide": "me", "n": 579 }

The output can be hidden

```ts eval --meta --out=hide
({ hide: "me", n: 123 + 456 });
({ hide: "me", n: 123 + 456 });

It doesn’t delete comments

// @ts-expect-error
1 + false;

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