A modern, database-agnostic, composable SELECT query builder with great typescript support.


Install from npm

npm i sql-select-ts

Getting started

Check out the examples.


Safe string interpolation with template literals

const userInput = "SomeName";
const myString = sql`column = ${userInput}`;
// Prints:
// column = 'SomeName'

const userInput = 123;
const myString = sql`column = ${userInput}`;
// Prints:
// column = 123

const userInput = "';";
const myString = sql`column = ${userInput}`;
// Prints:
// column = '\';'

Typescript checking

Provides type checking for identifiers names, with optional source qualifier, among other features.

const t1 = table(/* columns: */ ["a", "b", "c"], /* db-name & alias: */ "t1");
const t2 = table(/* columns: */ ["b", "c", "d"], /* db-name & alias: */ "t2");
t1.join("NATURAL", t2)
    .select((f) => ({
        // (parameter) f: Record<
        //   "a" | "d" | "t1.a" | "t1.b" | "t1.c" | "t2.b" | "t2.c" | "t2.d",
        // SafeString>
        z: f["t1.c"],


const users = table(["id", "age", "name"], "users");
const admins = table(["id", "age", "name"], "adm", "admins");
const analytics = table(["id", "clicks"], "analytics");

    .join("LEFT", admins)
    .on((f) => equals(f.adm.id, f.users.id))
    .join("LEFT", analytics)
    .on((f) => equals(f.analytics.id, f.users.id))

0 dependencies

Database agnostic

Usage with sqlite

Check out the examples.

Usage with Clickhouse

Check out the examples.